Tuesday 16 August 2022

Jesus: and the disillusioned

A five loaves and two fish episode evidently made an impact! It is one of the few pericopes reported (variously) by all four of the Gospels.

At the common climactic point a small (child’s?) meal is being consumed by a huge company.

John makes it very clear this was a critical moment for the "general public" of that time and place. (To this I return below.)

Thursday 11 August 2022

Finding JS4UNME Blog

My apologies to any reader who found it difficult. More change is in view, but (temporarily) my blog is findable via the addresses:



Both of the above should be reliable for now I think.

The "permanent" address is via the Google Blogger platform:


 [I expect (hope) to soon succeed in gaining the .au address for the blog. Not much time left.]


22/3/2023: Still a problem to be solved.

God bless you!
Allen Hampton