Elections matter. A lot.
“Well, then,” Jesus said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” His reply completely amazed them (Mark 12:17 NLT).
Voter help here - maybe?
Independent. No 'catches'. No 'strings'. No money. Explore about Jesus for yourself. Some content in 'Pages' - links under 'Home'. Nor is anything secret - just send me (Allen Hampton) a personal email if you have an enquiry (jesus.saviour4unme@gmail.com). I will reply direct to you. Allen Hampton - see "About"
Elections matter. A lot.
“Well, then,” Jesus said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” His reply completely amazed them (Mark 12:17 NLT).
Voter help here - maybe?
Do you see here that a man grateful to Jesus had opportunity to do exactly as Jesus said...
But did he? The three synoptic Gospels record the man and the direction he was given.
The forgetting of Jesus’ birth
A dreadful pandemic; a deadly plague. (One of the deadly plagues.) A plague about 1,800 years ago.